How to Stop Your Relationship Drama: Part 2
The Empowerment Triangle: There are three healthy alternatives to playing victim, persecutor or rescuer from the Drama Triangle. They are the creator, the challenger and the coach.
The Empowerment Triangle: There are three healthy alternatives to playing victim, persecutor or rescuer from the Drama Triangle. They are the creator, the challenger and the coach.
It is best to reserve “I feel proud of you” for situations when one person has invested significant amounts of time, energy and expertise into the success of another.
My friend, Donna Wheatcroft offers this summary of Linda Kavelin Popov’s book, A Pace of Grace: The Virtues of a Sustainable Life. Overview: Fifty years after surviving Bulbar Polio at the age of 11, Linda Kavelin Popov was diagnosed with Post-Polio Sequelae, an oppressive fatigue that left her bed-ridden, even robbing her of her breath. […]
Have you ever been involved in an email message bushfire? It starts with one person feeling hurt, dismissed or angry about an email communication. The recipient then reacts with a one up slamming or defensive message. Electronic communication is ripe for communication easily and quickly going sideways. Just look at Susan and Mary’s interchange: Example […]
Many of us have dreams of doing, being and living a different career or life; often times our longing to find our career dream is called a calling. Many of us are restless, after saying only last year, “I love my job.” Maybe it is time to put your dreams into action . . . or […]
Daniel Goleman is the author of Emotional Intelligence: why it can matter more than IQ as well as Social Intelligence: A New Science of Human Relationships published in 2006. In Social Intelligence, Goleman describes research that supports the idea that we, humans, are hard-wired for connection. Overview: Related to the topic of social intelligence, Goleman discusses its […]
We flourish when we use our social intelligence to create strong friendships and a social network. I will never forget the day I called my friend, Ria. I was feeling panicked because one of our adult children’s lives had gone down the toilet. She said, “You’re strong. All you need is someone to hold you […]
Almost every week I hear a client or others talk about a relationship they might end. “She drives me crazy! She talks negatively about her life, on and on.” Should you ditch the, so called, negative people in your life? According to motivational guru, Jim Rohn, “You are the average of the five people you […]
My last month has included a number of significant and insignificant ups and downs. They happen to me, to you and most of us. People say “the ups and downs of life.” Right? But let’s call them downs and UPs. That feels better to complete the cycle on a resilient uplift! Don’t you agree? There […]
To have resilience at work often takes a concerted effort. Resilience helps you manage typical workplace challenges such as: personality differences bullying micro-management being blamed poor leadership criticism demands on your time lack of childcare personal issues such as depression, anger, lack of stress management skills or illness. Here are 12 effective ways to enhance your […]
My colleague Bernie Fitterer from Inspiring Developments specializes in helping fathers adapt to the challenges of their role. Recently, Bernie invited me and three other mothers to an event aimed at fathers. During this event, we were presented with questions from attendees seeking insights from a woman’s perspective. It was a tremendous honor for us. […]
In my daughter Kelly’s and my book, Love Her As She Is: Lessons from a Daughter Stolen by Addictions I describe fourteen ways to love unconditionally with clear boundaries. The first way is take your frustrations to someone you trust. Family Patterns of Feeling Frustrated Life events can often trigger us to feel frustrated. As […]