Smile and the World Smiles With You. Frown and Get Sick
When you smile, you appear to be more likable and competent.
When you smile, you appear to be more likable and competent.
Here is a book summary of The Gifts of Imperfection. Yes, another summary of a book by Brene´Brown. She did it again! She opened my eyes and mind to some new ways of being. Her research into vulnerability, shame and enoughness continue to impress me. Her long title, The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of […]
Tears, along with perspiration, urine, and exhalation rid our bodies of toxins and other waste.
May you enjoy this book summary of Rising Strong. When shame and vulnerability researcher, Brene’ Brown takes on a subject she delves into the questions, facts, data, and outcomes. She also becomes intimate with it. She takes her own reactions, takes them home, observes herself, dialogues with the locals, and participates in counselling with her […]
Resilient people know that you can not feel happy all the time. Feeling happy is but one emotion that comes and goes. Feeling happy gives us the information, in that moment, we have what we want.
Do you remember a television show called Kids Say the Darndest Things? It aired from 1998 to 2000. Well, I propose that often times parents say the darndest things. I used to say them myself until I learned to improve my communication skills. Good parenting starts with awareness and then choosing better. Here we will […]
In 2012 the shame researcher, Brene´ Brown published Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. I have watched Brown’s interviews with Oprah, her popular TEDTalks, and insightful animations. Her style is down-home, intelligent, compassionate, and deeply personal. Those who can not tolerate seeing others full […]
Years ago my father did not speak to me for six months. When our oldest daughter, Kelly was in jail (see the book, Love Her As She Is) she asked for bail money. After we said no, she did not speak to us for many months. When our youngest daughter told us about her diagnosis […]
This summary of John Gottman’s book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, highlights how his research can improve your relationship.
Consider that it has been estimated that up to 90% of some people’s self-talk is negative.
Nancy Loraas, a Calgary-based executive, leadership, and communication coach, sent me a request to fill in a communications questionnaire. As I was filling it in I began to think, “My answers might be helpful to my readers; those interested in effective communication skills. Answering these questions to improve communication might make a difference to others. […]
Gult, shame and resentment needlessly plagues many people.