Be in Integrity at Work and in Life
The French playwrite, Moliere, said, “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”
The French playwrite, Moliere, said, “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”
Children have a moral right to be loved. S. Matthew Lia, New York University If all children have a moral right to be loved, then I and I imagine you have let them down. Absolutely, there have been times I have let my children down in the love department. They were when I was also letting […]
The mother’s curse is believing, “If I really loved my child I would . . . (you fill in the blank).” Guilt is a heavy emotion to carry and women tend to carry a big load of it.
We can turn our life challenges into inner victories.
It was a marvellous question! Following a presentation at a women’s conference, a participant asked me, “How do I find a mentor?” Who or What is a Mentor? The Oxford dictionary describes a mentor as an experienced and trusted adviser. A mentor is someone you admire, have confidence in, feel safe around, have ‘studied’ (perhaps read their […]
Just this week I saw a Social Media posting from an emerging professional speaker that read in part, “One of my mentors, Patricia Morgan, told me one of the best things I can do is…So look out. Here I come!” I felt honored! Accepting the role of a mentor is one of the most impactful […]
Here are some light hearted ideas to ease internal tension.
Emotional pain showed up years ago at a therapy training session. Those feelings hijacked my focus. When I approached the trainer in a distraught state she looked at me and said, “You do know how to self-regulate, don’t you?” The training content reminded me of something I had done long ago that I regretted and […]
Drama Triangle–The model describes three unconscious and habitual behavioral habits as “roles” which people often play in relationships.
The Empowerment Triangle: There are three healthy alternatives to playing victim, persecutor or rescuer from the Drama Triangle. They are the creator, the challenger and the coach.
It is best to reserve “I feel proud of you” for situations when one person has invested significant amounts of time, energy and expertise into the success of another.
My friend, Donna Wheatcroft offers this summary of Linda Kavelin Popov’s book, A Pace of Grace: The Virtues of a Sustainable Life. Overview: Fifty years after surviving Bulbar Polio at the age of 11, Linda Kavelin Popov was diagnosed with Post-Polio Sequelae, an oppressive fatigue that left her bed-ridden, even robbing her of her breath. […]