Self-Love Possibilities: Spins from Untamed
Self-Love Possibilities
My time in a book club led by Jannette Anderson, women’s business coach and founder of Bodicity was rewarding. The book of choice was Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living, by Glennon Doyle. Jannette encouraged us to do some self-love deepening based on some of Doyle’s messages. One exercise was to describe our ideal life. I called my piece, Dear Truest and Most Beautiful Life. Another exercise was to list 100 ways we love ourselves, which I called, Dear Self.
I share my ponderings, imaginings and lists so that you might consider doing likewise. Should you be curious, yes doing these exercises did stretch me. We are seldom called to affirm ourselves, and the effort was rewarding. If I do not affirm myself, who will? Perhaps it is time, for you, too, to shine a light on your bright spots.
Unleashed Exercise One:
Dear Truest and Most Beautiful Life,
This is how I imagine you unfolding:
- A vintage body, cherished with all its lumps, bumps and sags clothed in soft comforting textures with dashes of fun and colour, especially cherry red, lime green and canary yellow.
- Warm, firm hands caressing, massaging and relaxing the lumps, bumps and sags, plus the tired muscles underneath.
- Delicious linen that embraces sweet dreams and a good night’s sleep.
- The uninhibited and non-guilt indulgence of pralines and cream ice cream with dark chocolate and almonds galore on the side.
- Baking berry pies, brownies, crème brule, or scones. while keeping an eye on a roasting chicken without my back aching but having more of a skip to my kitchen movement.
- Embracing that my body needs more rest, and the wee late hours are my respite.
- A morning rejoice at seeing the treadmill. But even more feeling delight to mount the beast and take off with a Brene Brown podcast.
- Snuggling with my hubby while he silently luxuriates with his new, so sweet cat on his lap.
- Appreciating that I have a deep well of healed pain, have witnessed transformation of others’ unimaginable pain, and have the wisdom of a crone and the laughter of a child.
- Family and friends gather to celebrate that they feel loved and I smile inside, as I know I am a part of that result.
- My creative mind stays fired with discovering, learning, and developing programs, talks, videos and whatever else emerges as an uplift to my need to express and give my gifts.
- My life is filled with joy, gratitude, connection, and meaningful, purposeful fun. It also has moments of blissful silliness!
Unleashed Exercise Two:
Dear Self,
Here is what I love about you in the name of self-love!
I love the physicality of your:
- toes that help balance me, even with a broken, weak baby toe
- ankles that keep an eye on my blood clots
- legs that like to dance
- uterus that housed two children
- waist that is still evident, most days
- lap for holding grandkids (boo-hoo my lap misses them), my laptop, and one day a purring cat
- belly button that helped get me here
- solar plexus which reminds me of my personal power
- breasts that fed two babes and are now racing to hit my knees
- heart which keeps ticking, expanding, and loving
- throat and larynx that help me project my voice and message
- arms that love to swing
- hands and fingers that spend endless hours keyboarding
- shoulders that have carried worry and much responsibility.
- mouth that lights up my face with a generous swipe of lipstick.
- lips that caress my Les’ juiced pair; and often blow kisses.
- teeth and one bridge that add to my smile and chew my food.
- nose that smells the delights of garlic, chocolate, and fresh laundry.
- hazel eyes that draw in beauty and disgust, make meaningful contact with others, and draw in hours of information.
- ears that lean into sounds of whimpers, sighs, joy, pleasure, panting of Nola our grand-dog, and messages of all kinds
- hear drums that adapted to hearing aids
- forehead a no-bother body part
- hair! glad i still have some
I love your mind for its:
- eagerness to learn, dream, imagine
- growth mindset
- adaptability
- creativity
- social intelligence
- emotional intelligence
- extroverted preference
- varied interests
- problem solving ability
- acceptance, most days, of what is
- sense of gratitude
- corny humor
- resilience
I love your awareness of:
- mind set
- the breath
- emotions
- physical/feeling sensations
- ethics
- care, kindness, and empathy
- virtues
- spirituality
- psychology
- technology
I love that you experienced the roles of:
- daughter
- sister
- granddaughter
- niece
- cousin
- girlfriend
- lover
- fiancée
- newly wed
- sister-in-law
- daughter-in-law
- wife
- mother
- grandmother
- great-grandmother
- student
- farm girl
- city gal
- neighbor
- therapy client
- friend in deep, light, conflicted, tight, loose, short, and long friendships
- participant in deep dive healings at Esalen, Finhorn, Five Oaks, Hollyhock and many individual, couple, family, and group personal development and therapy sessions and events
I loved that you stepped into the professional roles of:
- Early Childhood Educator
- Parent Educator
- Family Resource Director
- College Instructor
- Resiliency Expert
- Therapist for individuals, couples, and families
- Women’s Empowerment Facilitator
- Trauma Therapist
- Workshop Leader
- Keynote Speaker
- Emcee
- Author
- Mentor
- TEDx Speaker Coach
I love that you identify as a:
- she, her, and caring woman
- feminist
- enthusiast
- extrovert
- life longer learner
- Canadian
- Spunky Senior
I love that you love to:
- unconditionally love
- help others feel heard, uplifted, and/or heal
- write, blog, teach, encourage, and mentor
- produce video, edit, and post
- advocate, organize and support
- cook and bake
- collapse, nap, and cry with little judgment
- quickly forgive
- demonstrate patience, calm and excited exuberance
- chat with friends and family friendly telephone or zoom call
- treat yourself with green or licorice tea, chocolate, fruit, peanut butter, creative projects, hugs, and kisses
Happy self-love to you as you unleash, affirm, and celebrate your life!
Please check out these related posts:
- Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living – Book Summary
- What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing