Inspiring Spiritual Quotes to Enrich Your Life
For over 25 years I have taken my journal to Sunday service. For many of those years my spiritual guide was The Reverend Doctor Carol Carnes, author of The Way In. Now those journals are filled with spiritual quotes that support my continued efforts to build personal, emotional, and spiritual resilience.
When a spiritual quote resonates, it can enrich your life, if not, be healing or life changing. Check out some of my Carol Carnes’ favorites.
Carnes Spiritual Quotes
Spirituality is about men and women declaring their wholeness.
The best we can do for others is to affirm All Is Well.
Peace is the spot between your thoughts and between your breath.
Most people believe they are a victim of someone or some circumstance.
Being a victim is a perception of powerlessness and is a lie we tell ourselves.
It is our spiritual duty to love and embrace our essential self.
If you cannot find 20 minutes to be with yourself in silence, you are a prisoner of your lifestyle.
The universe depends on movement, on action and on self initiating.
What in you needs to get moving? What thought, belief or feeling has you stuck?
Life gives us what we pay attention to.
What we focus on expands and becomes real.
Chaos provides an opportunity for things to come apart, while meditation stabilizes you, your home, and your world.
Vitality trumps age.
Vitality is an eagerness to learn, to engage in new activities and to put our minds and bodies to a test.
The challenge to modern religion is to love humanity more than its dogma.
The reason we feel frustrated with ourselves is there is something desiring to develop inside.
If you are in love with yourself, you have nothing to hide.
There is nothing to fix but something to know.
There is nothing to heal but something to reveal.
God doesn’t fix but reveals our wholeness.
You are greater than your experience.
You are always creating your experience.
The way in is the way out of what troubles you.
The meaning to life is to give meaning to life.
The first step to becoming conscious is noticing what you add after the phrase, I AM.
I hope you found one or two of Carol Carnes spiritual quotes of personal meaning or inspiration.
Here is a tribute I gave to Reverend Carol Carnes when she left Alberta to return to the United States.
Please check out these related posts:
Dozens of Famous and Powerful Resilience Quotes
A List of 30 Uplifting and Optimistic Thoughts
Patricia Morgan MA CCC helps her readers, clients, and audiences lighten their load, brighten their outlook, and strengthen their resilience. To go from woe to WOW call 403.242.7796 or email a request.