Laughter is the Best Medicine: Helping a Friend with Humor
You do not need to be a Patch Adams, wear a red nose, dress up like a clown, or be a therapist to use humor to help a hurting friend.
You do not need to be a Patch Adams, wear a red nose, dress up like a clown, or be a therapist to use humor to help a hurting friend.
The probability of arguing or disagreeing in a love relationship. Some describe these moments as Relationship Fighting.
You and your dear one are discussing what to prepare for dinner. Suddenly your heart races and your fists clench. You are ready to fight, run or collapse. Your dearest is now the enemy! YIKES! You are now in the depth of an emotional trigger! Most of have been there! Repeatedly, when people ask, “What […]
Years ago my father did not speak to me for six months. When our oldest daughter, Kelly was in jail (see the book, Love Her As She Is) she asked for bail money. After we said no, she did not speak to us for many months. When our youngest daughter told us about her diagnosis […]
This summary of John Gottman’s book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, highlights how his research can improve your relationship.
Gult, shame and resentment needlessly plagues many people.
Leaders know. Those who hire business coaches know. Big Brothers and Sisters know. They know our lives are influenced by other people and we can speed being and doing our best when we choose resilient and healthy role models. Yet, many of us give little thought to the idea of having role models. There is […]
Just as water is home to fish, our conversations are the context or home to our relationships. Sharing and listening are keys to making relationships work. Good communication that creates mutual understanding is even better. Effectively Speak Let us begin with speaking with honesty, kindness, authenticity, and sometimes assertiveness. You have control over the words you choose. […]
Every now and then our relationships could benefit from an examination. Of course, it begins with ourselves. We can check our generosity, honesty, kindness, compassion, appreciation, empathy, and love. As was written in the bible, “The greatest of these is love.” Gary Chapman, the family therapist and author of The Five Love Languages, provides a key […]
American reporter and humorist, Franklin P. Jones (1908-1980), wrote, “Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger.” Like Jones, you may dislike receiving criticism. Logically then, we should also be cautious about giving criticism. I was once given twenty-seven criticisms in the guise of feedback. It […]
Years ago, my heart was deeply moved as Les and I shared dinner and personal stories with our dear friends, Judy and Tink. Judy Armstrong, a multi-talented artist who excelled in acting, singing, songwriting, and dancing, had once fallen head over heels for Tink, a versatile artist himself, skilled in acting, singing, dancing, and choreography. […]
She looked baffled as I asked her about her reaction to a disturbing event. 1. “How do you feel?” “I don’t know.” 2. “What sensations do you feel in your body?” “I don’t know.” 3. “What are you telling yourself?” “I don’t know.” This young woman’s Emotional Intelligence (EQ) was low. Years ago that young […]