Be in Integrity at Work and in Life
The French playwrite, Moliere, said, “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”
The French playwrite, Moliere, said, “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.”
The mother’s curse is believing, “If I really loved my child I would . . . (you fill in the blank).” Guilt is a heavy emotion to carry and women tend to carry a big load of it.
Have you ever been involved in an email message bushfire? It starts with one person feeling hurt, dismissed or angry about an email communication. The recipient then reacts with a one up slamming or defensive message. Electronic communication is ripe for communication easily and quickly going sideways. Just look at Susan and Mary’s interchange: Example […]
Many of us have dreams of doing, being and living a different career or life; often times our longing to find our career dream is called a calling. Many of us are restless, after saying only last year, “I love my job.” Maybe it is time to put your dreams into action . . . or […]
To have resilience at work often takes a concerted effort. Resilience helps you manage typical workplace challenges such as: personality differences bullying micro-management being blamed poor leadership criticism demands on your time lack of childcare personal issues such as depression, anger, lack of stress management skills or illness. Here are 12 effective ways to enhance your […]