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Resiliency Workshops/Breakouts
The You’re stronger than you think SERIES

These popular workshops/breakouts are between 45 minutes to 3 hours and can be customized to meet your group’s needs.

Patricia Morgan leads a workshop

Return to Center:
Simple Strategies to Navigate Distress, Depression, and Disconnection

Recipient of  the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association 2024 counselling book award!

“From cultivating healthy relationships and fostering self-compassion to connecting with nature, nurturing physical well-being, and exploring creative outlets, the book encourages a comprehensive approach to stress management that extends beyond the confines of a single strategy. It aims to empower readers to take charge of their mental health and make informed decisions regarding their well-being.“
Vincent T. Covello, PhD Founder and Director of the Center for Risk Communication. New York, New York

Improve your ability to navigate difficult emotions like stress, anxiety, and sadness by exploring the transformative insights of the Polyvagal Theory. Designed for everyone interested in understanding and managing emotions better, this workshop is particularly beneficial for those dedicated to creating a supportive and connected environment.

You will:

    1. Develop a basic understanding of the Polyvagal Theory and the autonomic nervous system.
    2. Learn to identify signs of emotional discomfort and signals of comfort, both for yourself and those around you.
    3. Explore your own states of the nervous system: Charged, Give Up, and Centered.
    4. Create a list of effective strategies to boost calmness, improve focus, and strengthen interpersonal connections.
    5. Discover grounding techniques and methods to return to center.

Note: Speak to Patricia about reduced pricing for quantity orders of Return to Center. Learn more at

“I only have positive feedback about your Return to Center presentation to our members.  We found your Polyvagal Theory easy-to-understand language very helpful.”
Harold Pliszka, MSW, RSW, Executive Director, The Social Workers Association of Alberta

Pressure Proofing:
How to Calm Down,  Lighten Up, and Reduce Stress

In this upbeat and practical ‘how to’ session you will learn to minimize unnecessary stress. Discover how to better manage emotions, thought patterns and physical discomfort while increasing your fun factor.
You will:

  1. Assess your distress (Frantic, Frenzied or Simply Fried?).
  2. Understand the difference between natural stress and unnecessary stress.
  3. Learn how to limit and handle unnecessary stress.
  4. Try out five relaxing 30 Second Quickies.
  5. Transform distress into a smile.

“Just being in the same room as Patricia Morgan is a stress reliever.”
Kay Olsen, Coordinator, Women in Business

How to Be a People Booster:
Tools to Support Those You Lead

Are you in a leadership position at work, in the community, or as a helping professional? If so, you can boost others’ abilities to stay steady or bounce back from discouragement, error or adversity. Discover the 7 essentials of empowering others through positive role modeling, encouraging strengths, effective coaching and much more.
You will:

  1. Have a framework for understanding the concept of resilience.
  2. Become conscious of the influence you have on others by being a resilient role model.
  3. Be given the 5 most powerful skills of effective resiliency coaching.
  4. Discover how to build and acknowledge your people’s strengths.
  5. Leave with dozens of words and phrases to empower without rescuing.

“Really made me examine my habits and behaviors. Absolutely amazing, completely invigorating and affirming.”
Gill Allen, Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre

The 7 Essentials of Recognition:
How to Encourage and Sustain the Best in Others

The 7 Essentials of Recognition

Do you want to instill hope, effort and motivation in others? Appropriate validation improves commitment, connection and satisfaction. Minimize criticism while increasing encouraging, insightful and empowering comments to become a resiliency builder.
You will:

  1. Transform negative comments into positive phrasing.
  2. Understand how to give meaningful and supportive feedback.
  3. Recognize your and others’ strengths.
  4. Practice attentive listening.
  5. Take away a list of 10+ validating statements.

“You have a fun and informative way of sharing and encouraging the value of appreciation in our lives as you’ll see from the following excerpts:

  1. I’ve never had so much fun learning at our meetings!
  2. I will listen more and smile more.
  3. I will find more ways to show random appreciation for volunteers and other staff.”

Cherie Tetz, Volunteer Program Manager, The Mustard Seed

The Lighter Side of Work:
Discover Your Joy Factor and Re-engage Your Team

The Lighter Side of Work

Build a resilient work team. It is a myth that seriousness is a healthy standard for the workplace. Learn light-hearted strategies to improve appreciation, understanding and cooperation.
You will:

  1. Practice 2 easy lighteners to improve relationships.
  2. Increase your ability to laugh at yourself and refocus on work.
  3. Take away 13 fun surprise ideas to enliven the workplace.
  4. See the humor in workplace distress—change, deadlines or dealing with grumpy people.

This was an excellent way to learn and have fun at the same time.”
Janet Patriquin, Alberta Government

Maximize Personal Strengths
Self and Relationship Awareness

Working together productively does not come naturally to everyone. Discover what motivates your behavior, how to minimize misunderstanding and conflict, and how your weaknesses are your strengths overdone.

Strength researchers, Marcus Buckingham, Martin Seligman, and Alias Porter dove into the use of as relationship tool.  When people recognize the unique motivation of themselves and others, they greatly enhance their ability to communicate more effectively and handle conflict more productively.
You will:

  1. Be given a profile of how your strengths can be used for improved performance.
  2. Become aware of your primary motivation and how it drives your behavior.
  3. Learn how to “borrow” strengths to boost your effectiveness.
  4. Have increased awareness and appreciation for your and others’ strengths.

“I will focus on my strengths and know that I can’t control others. Patricia kept the session fun.”
Diane Cadarette, Royal Bank

Please ask Patricia about her other presentations with tips to strengthen resilience for caregivers, helping professionals, support staff, families, women and other specific groups.

Contact Patricia to discuss helping your people move from woe to WOW. Call 403-830-6919  or email.